Johnny Weir

Whether witty or wise, controversial or charming, shocking or silly, sweet or sassy, provocative or profound, inspiring or infuriating--or any combination of those--Johnny Weir, the three-time U.S. Champion, two-time Olympian, and World medalist figure skater, almost always says something worth quoting whenever he commentates a skating competition, makes a TV appearance, gives an interview, holds a press conference, writes, tweets, or is caught on video. His quotes needed to be collected and shared; hence this blog.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

There is an infinite amount of love in this world to obliterate the negativity that surrounds us all every day. Stay true to yourselves and step boldly into that love if you feel yourself crumbling into the muck around you.
--Twitter, April 1, 2022

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