Johnny Weir

Whether witty or wise, controversial or charming, shocking or silly, sweet or sassy, provocative or profound, inspiring or infuriating--or any combination of those--Johnny Weir, the three-time U.S. Champion, two-time Olympian, and World medalist figure skater, almost always says something worth quoting whenever he commentates a skating competition, makes a TV appearance, gives an interview, holds a press conference, writes, tweets, or is caught on video. His quotes needed to be collected and shared; hence this blog.

Monday, December 19, 2011

I think there are going to be two gorgeous models that under-weigh me by 300 pounds and over-tall me by at least three feet, but I am going to try to outshine them.
--MACcosmetics, "Behind the scenes of the M∙A∙C Glitter and Ice Shoot with Johnny Weir," video, uploaded December 19, 2011

1 comment:

  1. Boy, I like the way you talk. :O) Nancy, thank you for this great year of keeping us up to date with His Grace and the words he speaks! (Trying to sound fancy is not working for me.) I read every one! Keep up the good work and can I have an autographed copy of the book when you write it!?
